New York PSC Approves Change In Effective Billing Cycle For ConEd Supply Rate Changes
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The New York PSC approved a modification to the effective date for the changes in the electricity Market Supply Charge
Adjustment Factors (“MSC Adjustors”), Monthly Adjustment Clause Adjustment Factor
(“MAC Adjustor”), Ancillary Service
Charges, NTAC, and NYISO Transmission Charges at Consolidated Edison
The approved tariff change shifts the effective dates for each of these factors to the tenth billing cycle of each month, rather than the eighth billing cycle of each month which is the current effective date
ConEd said that the shift is needed to allow for more time for the utility to file the updated rates, given the utility's enhanced level of analysis of supply rate changes that is now undertaken prior to a monthly change filing
ConEd stated, "Since the January 2022 spike in electric supply prices created bill volatility for customers,
the Company has implemented an enhanced level of analysis and internal communications prior
to filing the MSC Adjustors and MAC Adjustor each month. However, variability in billing
cycles due to holidays and weekends and the need to file these adjustors at least three business
days prior to their effective date can, in certain months, significantly reduce the time available
for necessary analysis and communications."
The following specific changes in the ConEdison Electric Tariff were approved:
• Modify General Rule 25.2 – Adjustment Factors – MSC to state that the Adjustment
Factor – MSC I and Adjustment Factor – MSC II will commence with the tenth billing
cycle of each month, rather than the eighth billing cycle.
• Modify General Rule 25.1 – Market Supply Charge to state that the Ancillary Services
Charges, NTAC, and NYISO Transmission Charges will be revised on the tenth billing
cycle of each calendar month, rather than the eighth billing cycle.
• Modify General Rule 26.1 – Monthly Adjustment Clause to state that the MAC
Reconciliation, Uncollectible–bill Expense, and the Transition Adjustment components of
the Adjustment Factor – MAC will commence with the tenth billing cycle of each month,
rather than the eighth billing cycle.
The change is effective April 1, 2025
The PSC said that, of Con Edison’s 21 monthly billing cycles, only
customers in the eighth and ninth billing cycles will be
affected by this tariff change.
Specifically, for April 2025,
the affected customers will be charged the same energy supply
rates as the customer’s prior billing period to give Con Edison
time to implement the timing change proposed.
"However, allowing
the tariff change to become effective in April will help
minimize any impacts on customer bills, as customers usually
have comparatively lower electric bills in the month of April
due to reduced heating and air conditioning usage. In addition,
the difference in energy supply related costs and revenues in
April 2025 billing cycles will be reconciled in the May 2025
billing cycles," the PSC said
Case 24-E-0593
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March 24, 2025
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Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com