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ERCOT Schedules Workshop To Discuss REP Submissions Of Demand Response Event Data, Required Under New Rule

March 19, 2025

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Copyright 2025
Reporting by Paul Ring •

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ERCOT has scheduled for April 1, 2025, immediately following the Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) meeting, a workshop to discuss and develop details for the data submission process for REPs to provide information on demand response events under the new responsive device programs offered by REPs

Recently adopted 16 TAC § 25.186 (Goal for Average Total Residential Load Reduction) requires that a REP which offers a responsive device program to residential customers shall submit certain information on a quarterly basis to ERCOT, on a form prescribed by ERCOT.

See background on the REP responsive device programs here

Specifically, by rule, REPs shall provide to ERCOT the following information for each calendar month in the quarter:

(A) the electric service identifier (ESI ID) for each residential customer with smart appliances or devices enrolled in each responsive device program offered by the REP; and

(B) the date of each demand response event, including each demand response event start time and stop time and the ESI IDs deployed for each event.

16 TAC § 25.186(d)(2) requires ERCOT to submit certain information regarding residential load reduction to the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT). To achieve this, ERCOT must collect certain data from TDSPs regarding their PUCT authorized Residential Load Management Programs.

In a market notice, ERCOT said that, at the workshop, it will be sharing possible Protocol language to help guide the discussion, "and will look to participants representing REPs and TDSPs for suggestions to revise and refine those details."

ERCOT expects shortly thereafter to submit an NPRR to codify the requirements for this data collection process and to make minor adjustments to current Protocol Section Annual Demand Response Report, to address this new data submission requirement.

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