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PUC Sets Target Start Date For New Purchase of Receivables (POR) Program, As Utility Notes Conditions For Accelerated Implementation; PUC Approves Tariff

March 18, 2025

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Copyright 2025
Reporting by Paul Ring •

The following story is brought free of charge to readers by VertexOne, the exclusive EDI provider of

The New Hampshire PUC has approved a revised tariff and Electric Supplier Trading Partner Agreement at Unitil to implement a new purchase of receivables (POR) program

Under the adopted revisions, retail suppliers will be required to use POR for all utility consolidated billing at Unitil in New Hampshire

A POR discount, with a unique rate for Residential service and a unique rate for General Service, will apply. The discount rate will include uncollectibles, administrative costs, and reconciliation. The initial discount rates shall be filed within 30 days (by April 18, 2025). The PUC previously adopted the methodology for the discount rate, and the directed filing of discount rates will use such approved calculation based on updated data

Retail suppliers will need to sign new coordination agreements with Unitil

Unitil has stated that if all suppliers sign the new coordination agreement in a timely manner, and if the PUC has approved the initial discount rates, then POR implementation could occur before August 1, 2025.

Specifically, Unitil has stated that POR implementation could occur on the first day of the month following the month in which the PUC issues an order approving the initial discount rates.

However, Unitil also noted that the implementation date remains contingent on the utility working through all the necessary system updates, including billing updates required to implement the POR program in New Hampshire.

In light of Unitil's statement regarding scheduling, the PUC directed Unitil to confirm, by May 15, 2025, the implementation of POR with a June 1, 2025 start date, or to file an update with the Commission to reflect the plan for implementation.

Docket DE 23-002

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