Start-up Broker Led By Retail Energy Vets Expanding Outside Of Texas, Leadership Details Confirmed
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Joule EP, LLC, a start-up, filed applications for Ohio electric and natural gas broker licenses to serve non-residential customers in all service areas
In the electric application, Joule selected service to commercial and industrial customers. In the gas application, Joule selected service to small commercial,
large commercial, and industrial customers
EnergyChoiceMatters.com had first reported the creation of Joule EP, LLC, which is registered as a Texas electric broker, in December 2024, and at such time ECM had reported the involvement of retail energy vets August Ward, Ryan Williams, and Brian Routhieaux in the new broker
The Ohio applications provide the specific positions for these individuals and disclose additional officers and partners
Routhieaux serves as CEO, Ward serves as COO, and Williams serves as Chief Growth Officer
PJ O'Connor is identified as CIO.
Bill O'Connor and Kevin Koerbel are identified as partners.
Additionally, the Ohio applications state that Joule EP was formed by "six partners", presumably referring to the six individuals listed above (not all were specifically identified as partners in the applications)
Joule states that it offers an all-in-one solution for streamlined utility management and energy optimization, including advanced energy sourcing, regulatory compliance, utility bill management, peak demand mitigation, asset lifecycle management, tax analytics, and sustainability reporting
Joule EP, LLC is not affiliated with municipal aggregator Joule Assets
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March 10, 2025
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Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com