WGL Energy Expands To New State With Retail Energy Offerings
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WGL Energy Services, Inc. (WGL Energy) announced that it will begin serving the state of New Jersey for the first time, in what the company said, "mark[s] a strategic expansion in the retail energy market."
The expansion will include natural gas and electricity service, as well as WGL Energy's various additional services (RECs, carbon offsets, etc)
In the New Jersey expansion, WGL Energy will "initially" focus on providing energy choice for large commercial and industrial customers
"Soon after, WGL Energy plans to broaden its reach to residential and small businesses," in New Jersey, the company said
WGL Energy's initial service areas in New Jersey will be:
• PSEG (Electric and Gas)
• Atlantic City Electric
"The company is also finalizing approvals in other utility territories throughout the state," WGL Energy said
The expansion into New Jersey increases WGL Energy's retail reach to six states (Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia) plus the District of Columbia
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February 28, 2025
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Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com