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Texas Bill Would Require ERCOT To Remove Barriers To ADERs; Allow Larger ADERs To Participate In Wholesale Energy Market

Would Require That DERs Are "Fairly Compensated" For Grid Resilience

February 25, 2025

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Copyright 2025
Reporting by Paul Ring •

The following story is brought free of charge to readers by VertexOne, the exclusive EDI provider of

HB 3346 has been introduced in the Texas House that would require the Texas PUC to make the aggregate distributed energy resource pilot project (Project 53911) a formal program

Under such, HB 3346 would further require ERCOT to:

(A) increase participation in the ADER program by:

(i) eliminating capacity- and load zone-based limitations;

(ii) allowing for the participation of an aggregated distributed energy resource in the wholesale energy market if the resource has a capacity of 160 megawatts or less and complies with all applicable commission requirements;

(iii) allowing for the participation of an aggregated distributed energy resource in the ancillary services market if the resource has a capacity of 80 megawatts or less and complies with all applicable commission requirements; and

(iv) allowing for the participation in the wholesale energy and ancillary services markets, without security-constrained economic dispatch restrictions, of load resource types that respond to demand response instructions with blocks of demand; and

(B) incorporate aggregated noncontrollable load resources into the program's governing documents; and

The bill does not specifically address the entities permitted to operate ADERs or which entities would be authorized to offer ADERs into the relevant ERCOT market or program (e.g. requiring entities which offer ADERs into ERCOT to be LSEs)

The bill also addresses various matters related to distributed energy resources, including a provision that requires that the PUC shall, "ensure that owners of distributed energy resources are fairly compensated for contributions to grid resilience, including through retail tariffs or other market mechanisms, with compensation that reflects the locational and temporal value of the resources[.]"

The bill does not prescribe in what manner the PUC shall accomplish such (e.g mandated compensation from REPs or another entity to DERs)

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