RESA Asks Pa. PUC To Order Utility To Inform Customers Of TOU Offerings From Retail Suppliers
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In a letter concerning Duquesne Light's proposal to make a Time of Use generation rate generally available to all default service customers (not only EV owners), the Retail Energy Supply Association asked the Pennsylvania PUC to direct Duquesne Light to make customers aware of TOU rate plans available in the competitive retail market
As previously reported, the PUC had directed Duquesne Light to file a proposal for an optional TOU generation rate for all non-shopping customers, not only EV owners, as the PUC views a TOU default service rate as a potential tool for customers to manage otherwise higher electric bills that customer are facing due various cost pressures, including spiked capacity prices. See details on Duquesne Light's specific proposal here
Recognizing that the PUC had directed the offering of the generally available TOU default service option, RESA did not reiterate its various concerns, raised earlier in the proceeding, about utility TOU generation rate offerings (briefly, such concerns include deviation from plain vanilla default service and competition by an incumbent in a TOU offering)
However, RESA suggested that the PUC mitigate some of the potential harm to the retail market, arising from the offering of an optional SOS rate, by having Duquesne Light inform customers that TOU options are also available from other suppliers
Specifically, RESA said that the PUC should consider requiring that Duquesne Light advise customers, in the utility's advertising materials and website for the TOU default service rate, that additional TOU options may be available in the competitive market.
RESA also stressed that all costs from the TOU default service rate (including reconciliations and advertising) should be recovered solely from default service customers, as has been proposed by Duquesne Light
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February 21, 2025
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Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com