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PUC Approves Tariffs For New Purchase Of Receivables Program, Addresses Start Date

February 21, 2025

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Copyright 2025
Reporting by Paul Ring •

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Adopting without modification a hearing examiner's report, the New Hampshire PUC approved agreed changes to Granite State Electric's (Liberty Utilities) tariff and supplier agreement to implement a purchase of receivable program

See more details on the new POR program here

As previously reported, the start date for POR will depend on whether all retail electric suppliers return to Granite State Electric a signed copy of the revised supplier agreement

In moving to POR, GSE will no longer offer UCB without POR. As a result, any supplier not signing the new supplier agreement reflecting this change will have their customers dropped to default service.

GSE proposed, and the PUC approved, providing affected customers being dropped to default service about two months to select another supplier before the drop occurs

As a result, and as more fully described in our prior story here, POR implementation, in a scenario where not all suppliers sign the new supplier agreement, could be delayed by about 30 days (versus the otherwise practicable schedule) to accommodate this shopping window

GSE links POR implementation milestones to the POR tariff's effective date, which, now that the PUC has approved the tariff, will be March 1, 2025

GSE expects that it will require 90 days, from the tariff effective date, to develop the initial POR discount rate based on updated information, and to receive PUC approval for such

If all suppliers sign the new supplier agreement, and thus no "shopping window" is needed for customers who would otherwise be scheduled to return to default service, the POR implementation timeline could potentially be shortened to about 90 days from the tariff effective date

However, if not all suppliers sign the new supplier agreement, the two-month shopping window adopted by the PUC for customers of suppliers not signing the agreement will add about 30 days to POR implementation, with implementation estimated as about 120 days from the tariff effective date

With regards to a start date for POR, the PUC directed Granite State Electric to provide an update to GSE's proposed schedules for POR implementation based on these two scenarios -- one implementation schedule that envisions that all suppliers will return an executed revised supplier agreement by GSE's stated deadline, and another schedule that envisions that not all suppliers will return a signed updated supplier agreement

GSE is also required to inform the PUC, once the deadline for submission of the signed supplier agreement has passed, whether any supplier failed to sign the agreement, and under which implementation schedule GSE is proceeding

See more discussion of the implementation schedule here

Docket DE 23-003

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