CenterPoint-TDU Seeks Approval For 2026-28 System Resiliency Plan, Includes Utility-Scale Microgrid Pilot, Addresses Cost Recovery
3, 2025
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Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com
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CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric has sought Texas PUC approval for a 2026-28 system resiliency plan
CEHE is not proposing a system resiliency plan cost recovery rider under the plan
CEHE proposed to defer distribution costs of the system resiliency plan for future recovery in a rate case or DCRF
As part of the plan, CEHE proposes a utility-scale microgrid pilot
The proposal would allow CEHE to test a "finite" number of microgrids, which CEHE "currently estimate[s]" as 3-5 microgrids
CEHE would issue an RFP to select the microgrids and operators. The RFP would contain specifics such as technical, operational, and financial criteria for eligibility
The amount of load covered by a microgrid, and the included local distributed generation, would be determined by bidders and evaluated by CEHE
Docket 57579
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