CenterPoint-TDU Would Change How Disconnection Moratoriums Are Applied During Extreme Weather Events, Under Settlement
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A settlement among all of the major parties in CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric's electricity rate case at the Texas PUC would require CEHE to modify how it implements disconnection moratoriums during extreme weather events, while also including a one-time customer refund, to be provisioned through retail electric providers
Settling parties include, among others, CEHE, PUC Staff, the Texas Energy Association for Marketers & Alliance for Retail Markets, three coalitions of cities with original jurisdiction, TIEC, the Office of Public Utility Counsel, and several other parties. The only parties who have not provided a statement in support, non-opposition, or non-position appear to be two individual customers who intervened
In recent years, CEHE's "practice" has been to institute territory-wide disconnection for non-pay moratoriums during instances in which only certain parts of its service area meet the extreme weather criteria set forth in PUC rule which mandate such a disconnection moratorium
The settlement provides that, no later than May 1, 2025, CEHE will implement any weather-related disconnect moratoriums on a county basis, rather than automatically applying the DNP moratorium territory-wide just because part of the territory meets the criteria
The settlement further provides that, "CenterPoint Houston agrees to only
implement DNP moratoriums consistent with PUC rules and CenterPoint Houston's tariff."
The settlement provides that CEHE shall, through a future filing at the Texas PUC, refund to customers $5.2 million
Refunds would be provided to REPs using an existing SAC04 code, with REPs provided 45 days notice of the refund.
As noted, the refund will be subject to a future application at the PUC. The settlement does not explicitly address REPs' obligation to pass-through the refund to customers
In other matters related to the retail market, CEHE agrees that the new delivery rates proposed under the stipulation will be effective no earlier than the 46th day after PUC approval of the rates. CEHE further agrees to provide to REPs notice of the new distribution rates no later than the first working day after PUC approval
CEHE agrees under the settlement to post, on a publicly
available page on its website, current delivery rates and any pending rate change requests
"Such a posting will be located in the competitive retailer
section of CenterPoint Houston’s website, include the current rates for all customer classes,
and be posted in a chart format," the settlement states
New base delivery rates to be established under the stipulation are as follows for select rate classes (other riders also apply):
The settlement would also modify the amounts charged under certain riders, including instituting a Rate Case Expense rider (Rider RCE), and setting forth the amounts charged to REPs under Rider RCE. The current Rider RCE is $0.
The settlement would also adopt a new rider, Rider IRA, to recover certain changes in CEHE's tax obligation resulting from the "Inflation
Reduction Act of 2022".
However, Rider IRA would initially be set at zero, as it would reflect changes in relevant tax obligations occurring outside of a test year (the settlement's delivery rates currently account for the relevant obligations occurring in the test year)
Docket 56211
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CenterPoint-TDU To Provide One-Time Bill Credit To Customers, Via REPs
January 29, 2025
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Copyright 2025 EnergyChoiceMatters.com
Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com
Customer Charge & Metering Charge are per month
Distribution Charge is per kWh
Current (Proposed)
Customer Charge $2.30 $2.11 / month
Metering Charge $2.09 $2.79 / month
Transmission $0.00 $0.00
Distribution $0.020314 $0.023240 / kWh
Secondary <= 10 kVA
Current (Proposed)
Customer Charge $2.26 $2.01 / month
Metering Charge $2.32 $2.95 / month
Transmission $0.00 $0.00
Distribution $0.015504 $0.017893 / kWh
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