CenterPoint-TDU Seeks New Rider Charged To REPs To Recover System Restoration Costs
January 23, 2025
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Copyright 2025 EnergyChoiceMatters.com
Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com
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CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC applied at the Texas PUC to implement a new rider imposed on retail electric providers to recover securitized costs of distribution system restoration related to the May 2024 Houston Derecho and May 28, 2024 strong thunderstorms
CEHE sought to implement Rider SRC for such recovery, with tariff changes also including a separate small offset (refund rider) related to certain tax benefits associated with the deferral of the relevant costs. Rider SRC currently exists, but its rates are currently set at $0 for all customer classes
Certain schedules appear to be missing from CEHE's application as appearing on the Texas PUC's docket site (both in the native filing zip file and as converted to PDF by the PUC's docket system), including the omission of an xlsx schedule said to contain illustrative SRC rates (Schedule 8).
However, a copy of the proposed SRC tariff, which was included in the filing available on the PUC's docket site, does include illustrative SRC rates.
The Rider SRC rates are illustrative as the final rates under Rider SRC would be based on the actual date of the bond issuance, with rates varying due to ongoing carrying costs, among other potential variables
Per the illustrative tariff included in the filing, the illustrative Rider SRC rates are:
Illustrative SRC Residential $0.001047 per kWh Secondary <= 10 kVA $0.000977 per kWh Secondary > 10 kVA $0.169232 per billing kVA Primary $0.100996 per billing kVA Lighting $0.020674 per kWh
ECM notes that while Schedule 8, which is said to contain the illustrative rates, did not appear to be included in the version of the filing on the PUC's docket site, an xlsx file did include workpapers labeled SRC rates, which vary slightly from those included in the tariff included in the application (another workpaper sheet shows these varying SRC rates as under an "initial" run and shows the rates listed in the above-table as "final" rates; however, the other workpaper shows (perhaps erroneously) the "initial" and "final" SRC rates as identical, with these rates differing from the rates on the tariff page)
As noted, CEHE would also implement a credit rider provided to REPs to account for accumulated deferred federal income tax (ADFIT) benefits associated with the incurrence and recovery of system restoration costs. Rider ADFIT currently exists, but its rates are currently set at $0 for all customer classes
Under the new application, Rider ADFIT would be set as follows:
Rider ADFIT Residential ($0.000216) per kWh Secondary <= 10 ($0.000202) per kWh Secondary > 10 ($0.034921) per billing kVA Primary ($0.020841) per billing kVA Lighting ($0.004266) per kWh
Docket 57559
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