PUC Cites "Positive Pricing Outcomes" From ISO Market Purchases To Supply SOS, Orders PSNH To Further Boost Use Of ISO-NE Market Purchases For Default Service
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Citing "positive pricing outcomes" from the current use of ISO New England market purchases for a portion of default service at Public Service of New Hampshire (Eversource), the New Hampshire PUC directed PSNH to develop a proposal to procure at least 50% of PSNH's small customer default service from the ISO-NE market for the August 2025 to January 2026 period
PSNH currently uses ISO-NE market purchases for 30% of small customer SOS
The PUC reiterated its previously stated considerations for ordering increased reliance on ISO-NE market purchases for default service, including the expansion of opt-out aggregation, and the pricing difference between full requirements service and ISO market purchases
The PUC said, "We are struck, in particular, by the positive pricing outcomes," for the large customer group which has now transitioned to 100% ISO-NE market purchases for default service
The PUC also cited the "positive contribution" to a reduction in the small customer SOS rate arising from the currently 30% of the small customer SOS portfolio sourced from ISO-NE markets
As such, the PUC ordered PSNH to propose to serve at least 50% of the small customer group (which includes residential customers) from the ISO-NE markets for the next default service supply period of August 2025 to January 2026
The PUC approved PSNH's update of its default service (energy service) rates for the period February 1, 2025 through July 31, 2025
For the small customer group (Rate R, G, & OL), PSNH's all-in default service rate is 8.929¢ per kWh for the period February 1, 2025 through July 31, 2025, which is about 14% lower than the current rate of 10.403¢ per kWh
For the large customer group, the PSNH monthly default service rates are ($/kWh):
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December 19, 2024
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Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com
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