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Consumer Advocate Asks Pa. PUC To "Clarify" That Recent PUC Finding, That Retail Supplier Costs Above Default Service Are Not Proof Of Customer Harm, Is Not Broadly Precedential

November 22, 2024

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Copyright 2024
Reporting by Paul Ring •

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In a request for reconsideration of a recent Pennsylvania PUC order requiring that PECO's standard offer customer referral program (SOP) shall continue without the modifications sought by consumer advocates, the Pennsylvania Office of Consumer Advocate requested that the PUC "clarify" that the PUC's findings with respect to EGS costs which exceed default service costs are limited to the SOP, and will not serve as broadly applicable precedent in reviewing cost comparisons between default service and retail supplier service

As first reported by, in denying a change to the SOP program sought by consumer advocates, under which customers would have been dropped to default service at the end of the SOP term absent an affirmative action, in contrast to the current practice of remaining with their SOP supplier, the PUC found that consumer advocates had not demonstrated harm from the current practice that keeps the customer with their SOP supplier

During the proceeding, consumer advocates cited data showing that residential electric shoppers at PECO paid $800 million more than the price to compare over six years

The PUC faulted this evidence on several grounds

First, the PUC said that, even if such alleged harm were accepted, it would only show harm to all customers generally, and not harm specifically resulting from the current SOP rollover policy

More importantly, as highlighted by ECM, the PUC said that costs in excess of default service are not dispositive evidence of customer harm

Agreeing with RESA, the PUC said that a retail supplier rate in excess of the price to compare, "does not necessarily prove that a harm is occurring, because customers could be making shopping decisions based on factors other than price, such as the specific product offered or the length of the contract."

As previously reported, the PUC did stress that it would examine any future evidence of alleged harm from the SOP program's design on a "de novo" basis (in other words, the PUC would not grant deference to its finding related to the SOP from the case recently decided)

OCA requested that the PUC clarify that any precedential value from the discussion of PTC versus retail supplier rates in the PECO SOP order, "is limited only to SOP related proceedings and cannot be extrapolated or interpreted in future, non-SOP Commission proceedings."

OCA asked the PUC to rebuke any finding that a demonstration of $800 million in excess costs under retail supplier service, versus default service, does not constitute evidence of harm to customers

OCA sought this clarification to the extent that the PUC does not grant reconsideration and adopt on reconsideration the SOP changes supported by OCA, due to the harm alleged by OCA

In separate rehearing requests, both OCA and TURN/CAUSE-PA argued that the PUC wrongly applied evidentiary standards in rejecting their proffered showings of harm to customers from the SOP.

The consumer advocates also generally argued that the PUC erred in elevating "speculation" that customers paying more than the PTC are doing so willingly with such customers' weighing factors such as contract length or specific non-price product factors (green, rewards, etc).

OCA said that no evidence supported the PUC's conclusion on customer decision-making, in contrast to the "facts" that shopping customers paid $800 million more than default service over 6 years



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