Pennsylvania PUC Formally Announces Conference On Resource Adequacy
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The Pennsylvania PUC formally announced that it will hold a Technical
Conference regarding resource adequacy on Monday, November 25, 2024
PPL Corp. CEO Vincent Sorgi had noted during a recent earnings call that the PUC would hold such a conference on resource adequacy. Sorgi said that PPL would be participating in such conference.
Sorgi recently said that allowing Pennsylvania distribution utilities to invest in generation would be the most "impactful" and timely solution to address resource adequacy "gaps" facing the state and PJM (see story here)
A PUC Secretarial letter about the conference stated, "As part of the informal educational process, Commissioners will pose questions to the
panelists and will engage the panelists in discussions related to electric resource adequacy
in Pennsylvania."
The Secretarial letter did not list an agenda or the invited panelists
However, an earlier request for interested speakers from the PUC suggests that the sessions may be as follows:
Session 1: What are the right mix
of resources and how do we get
them online? Will effective load
carrying capacity (ELCC), properly
designed, accomplish this?
--- Possible topics include storage, long-term
agreements, PJM, etc.
Session 2: How do we facilitate
completion of the construction of
those generation resources?
--- Possible topics include zoning, permitting,
Session 3: What can the PUC do
to ensure resource adequacy for
electric distribution customers?
--- Possible topics include actions within the
PUC’s jurisdiction, regulatory changes,
legislative positions, etc.
Questions from the audience will not be permitted.
Written public comments will be accepted after the technical conference
The matter has been docketed as M-2024-3051988
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November 15, 2024
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Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com
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