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Choice State In PJM Opens Review Of Resource Adequacy To "Wield Control" Of Generation Development

October 10, 2024

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Copyright 2024
Reporting by Paul Ring •

The following story is brought free of charge to readers by VertexOne, the exclusive EDI provider of

Hoping to, "better wield control of clean resource development," within Maryland, the Maryland PSC has commenced a proceeding to review resource adequacy (PC 66).

The PSC, in particular, cited the results (and spiked prices) of the most recent PJM base residual auction for capacity as prompting the need for its newly opened review of resource adequacy

The PSC further noted that Maryland has become "heavily dependent" on the PJM market for supplies, as the state has become a net importer

In supporting the need for the resource adequacy review, the PSC also alleged that: generation developers seeking to connect to the bulk power system have faced interconnection challenges; FERC Order No. 1000 (transmission planning and cost allocation), "has not facilitated transmission planning reflecting public policies in this region"; distributed generation has not reached its potential; and FERC Order No. 1920 (also addressing regional transmission planning and cost allocation) has yet to be implemented

"All of this highlights the urgent need to consider State action to promote the rebalance of supply and demand on the grid while bringing new, clean generating resources online in a timely manner," the PSC said

Through the proceeding, the PSC hopes to identify possible "mitigating strategies", as well as, "which State or regional entity might have jurisdiction to impact these strategies (or should be authorized by the State to have this jurisdiction)."

The PSC invited written comments from stakeholders and scheduled for December 3, 2024 a technical conference

PC 66, PC66


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