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New Retail Supplier Rules Take Effect, Including Up To $2 Million Security Requirement

August 6, 2024

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Copyright 2024
Reporting by Paul Ring •

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New rules for retail electric supplier licensing in Connecticut have become effective

Connecticut's Legislative Regulation Review Committee (LRRC) approved the new rules on July 23, 2024. The rules took effect on July 24, 2024 upon their posting with the Secretary of State

The new licensing rules include higher security amounts that retail suppliers must maintain for the purpose of licensure

Under the now-effective rules, a retail supplier shall maintain an amount of security based on its forecast year load in compliance with the following schedule:

(i) Up to 100,000 MWh: $250,000;

(ii) 100,001 MWh to 499,999 MWh: $500,000;

(iii) 500,000 MWh to 999,999 MWh: $1 million; and

(iv) 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 MWh: $2 million

The effective rules further allow PURA, in its discretion, to increase a supplier's required security above $2 million for loads in excess of 1,500,000 MWh, with the additional security to be in increments of $1 million per each additional 500,000 MWh of annual load

The required security described above relates only to licensing, and suppliers are also required to post security related to other matters, such as the RPS

In contrast, the old rule only required security of $250,000 or 5% of a supplier's estimated gross receipts for its first full year of operation, not to exceed $250,000

Under the new rules, PURA will conduct biennial license reviews for all retail suppliers, starting April 15, 2025. Previously, such periodic reviews were conducted every 5 years

License applications, including applications under the biennial review, will cost $2,500, up from the current fees of $250 for periodic reviews, and $1,000 for initial applications

The new regulations require that a retail supplier shall include on its website, among other requirements, all PURA docket numbers and titles for, "all Authority investigation dockets that have been concluded".

Suppliers must also include on their website a phone number at which "a live company representative (i.e., not an answering service)" shall be available "during normal business hours".

PURA Docket 19-10-41

Connecticut eRegulations Tracking Number: PR2020-007

LRRC Docket #2024-008


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