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CenterPoint-TDU Withdraws Rate Case & Resiliency Plan Applications From Texas PUC

August 1, 2024

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Copyright 2024
Reporting by Paul Ring •

The following story is brought free of charge to readers by VertexOne, the exclusive EDI provider of

CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC has filed at the Texas PUC to withdraw both its current rate case (Docket 56211) and its transmission and distribution system resiliency plan (Docket 56548), with both withdrawals sought to be without prejudice

A hearing had not yet been held on either case

As previously reported, in the resiliency plan, CEHE had proposed, among other things, a pilot for utility-scale microgrids (see details here)

REPs had issued RFIs to CEHE in the resiliency plan docket concerning the microgrid proposal and other matters, but did not file testimony in the proceeding.

An RFI from the REP Coalition filed on June 24 had asked, "Does CenterPoint currently perform cyclical targeted vegetation management to proactively trim vegetation along backbone distribution circuits that serve critical load feeders?"

In a July 1 response to the RFI, CEHE had stated:

"No, the Company does not currently perform cyclical targeted vegetation management. The Company does perform cycle trimming, however. The Company attempts to perform trimming on:

35 kV distribution circuits on a 4 year cycle

12 kV distribution circuits in narrow corridors on a 4 year cycle

12 kV distribution circuits on a 6 year cycle.

Every feeder, including feeders that servce [sic] critical load, is trimmed according to the cycles above.

Cycle trimming has been going on for 10 years or longer. These costs were summarized and included in previous annual vegetation management reports (16 TAC §25.96) as well as prior and current base rate proceedings. Please refer to the attached documents for HCC-RFP01-04 for an annual copy for 25.96 for the previous 10 years as well as the testimony of Company witness Randy Prior in Dockets 56211 and 49421."

In the rate case, while REPs had issued RFIs to CEHE concerning competitive affiliates, certain discretionary charges, and the TDU's outage tracker (with the RFI filed in June, after the May derecho but before Beryl), REPs did not file any testimony in the case


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