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Texas Entity Closely Associated With Existing REP Registers As Broker, Same Name As REP's Trade Name

July 30, 2024

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Copyright 2024
Reporting by Paul Ring •

The following story is brought free of charge to readers by VertexOne, the exclusive EDI provider of

Crypto Power LLC filed a registration as a Texas electric broker

The trade name "Crypto Power" currently appears on the Option 2 REP certificate of Pumpjack Power LLC. In 2022, when Pumpjack Power LLC registered the trade name "Crypto Power", the brand Crypto Power had been described as a newly-formed division of Pumpjack Power

Crypto Power LLC, the entity now registering as a broker, is a separate legal entity from Pumpjack Power LLC

However, the manager (governing person) of Crypto Power LLC is Pumpjack Power Holdings, LLC

According to Texas Secretary of State records, Waylan Johnson serves as President of Pumpjack Power Holdings, LLC, and Waylan Johnson is among those included in a list of persons who are an, "officer, director, member, general partner, or manager," of Pumpjack Power Holdings, LLC

According to Texas Secretary of State records, Waylan Johnson serves as President of the REP entity Pumpjack Power LLC.

A 2023 franchise tax report for the REP entity Pumpjack Power LLC lists Waylan Johnson as the sole officer, director, member, general partner, or manager of Pumpjack Power LLC

The website of Crypto Power LLC ( states that the site is currently undergoing some work, which appears to be a recent development. Previously, that website domain touted various energy pricing and related services (though not specifically mentioning retail supply), though it was not clear what entity was responsible for such site or services

REP Pumpjack Power LLC did recently file for an amendment to its REP certificate to reflect the additions and deletions of customers, but in the public version of the filing, there was no indication that Pumpjack Power sought to remove the trade name Crypto Power from the certificate


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