Retail Energy Regulator To Consider Authority To Review Opt-Out Aggregations' Low-Income Community Solar
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The Massachusetts DPU has expanded an investigation originally opened to address guidelines for opt-out municipal aggregation programs to include a review of the DPU's authority to review a municipal aggregator’s low-income
community shared solar (LICSS) program
The DPU previously found that a municipal aggregator’s LICSS program may be funded under the SMART [Model Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target Program Provision] Factor paid by utility ratepayers
However, the DPU noted that while such finding may have shown the DPU's implied authority to review and approve a municipal aggregator’s LICSS program, the DPU has not explicitly addressed the issue of its authority to review a municipal aggregator’s LICSS program
As such, the DPU expanded case D.P.U. 23-67 to address: (1) the question of the Department’s authority to review a municipal
aggregator’s LICSS program established
pursuant to 225 CMR 20.06(1)(f)4; (2) the establishment of guidelines for a municipal
aggregator’s LICSS Program filing with the Department; and (3) the establishment of guidelines
and best practices for removing impediments to LICSS programs.
D.P.U. 23-67-B
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July 24, 2024
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Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com
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