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PSC Opens Rulemaking To Address All Aspects Of Retail Green Power Under New Law, Including Price Caps

July 17, 2024

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Copyright 2024
Reporting by Paul Ring •

The following story is brought free of charge to readers by VertexOne, the exclusive EDI provider of

The Maryland PSC has opened a new rulemaking, RM 84, to address all aspects of § 7-707, the new retail green electricity laws under SB 1.

As previously reported, PSC Staff had sought the creation of a rulemaking related to green power under SB1. While not explicitly proposing a limit to the scope of the rulemaking, Staff's rulemaking request, in discussing new requirements under SB 1, only cited Section 7-707(g) of SB 1, generally relating to green power disclosure rules.

As previously reported, SB1 also includes various provisions concerning the price charged by retail electric suppliers for green power, including the creation of a standard price for green power that is to be set by the PSC to serve as a price cap, as well as the ability for retail suppliers to seek approval for a specific green power rate above such price cap

Staff's recent request for a rulemaking did not specifically cite or seek to address these green power pricing provisions

However, in addressing Staff's request for a rulemaking, the PSC ordered the initiation of a rulemaking to address "all aspects" of Public Utilities Article (PUA), Annotated Code of Maryland, § 7-707

§ 7-707 generally includes most of SB1's new provisions concerning green electricity, including the PSC-determined price cap and ability for suppliers to petition for an alternative price as described above

The PSC directed Staff to consult with stakeholders and to submit proposed rule revisions by September 9, 2024.


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