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PUC Suspends Automatic Approval Of Utility's Proposal Move Price To Compare Message To First Page Of Bill

July 15, 2024

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Copyright 2024
Reporting by Paul Ring •

The following story is brought free of charge to readers by VertexOne, the exclusive EDI provider of

An ALJ at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio has suspended the automatic approval process for proposed changes to bills issued by AES Ohio (Dayton Power and Light)

As first reported by, as part of various changes to its bills said to be prompted by its new CIS, AES Ohio is seeking to move the language concerning the price to compare from the second page to the first page of the bill for several types of customers, including for non-residential customers currently taking supply from a competitive retail supplier

See our prior story for full details on the proposed changes

New bill formats in Ohio are automatically approved after 45 days unless PUCO otherwise suspends the automatic approval process.

An ALJ suspended automatic approval, citing, "the need for additional information and time for the Commission and its Staff to thoroughly review AES Ohio’s application." The ALJ further noted that AES Ohio had requested an implementation date beyond the auto-approval period contemplated by Ohio Adm.Code 4901:1-10-22

Interstate Gas Supply, LLC filed comments urging PUCO to reject AES Ohio's application containing the proposed changes, or, in the alternative, to set a procedural schedule to allow for stakeholder comment

"[T]he proposed change will interject AES Ohio into the customer’s shopping decision, and materially threaten suppliers’ relationships with their customers. The message will invite customers to reconsider their relationship with their supplier via a permanent monthly message from AES Ohio telling customers that it may be useful for them to compare their offer with the standard choice offer," IGS Energy said

Case 24-0067-EL-UNC


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