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Mass. Utility's Residential Default Service Rate To Remain Above 19¢ For Another 6 Months

Eight Offers From Four Retail Suppliers Currently Provide Savings Of More Than 25% Versus Utility

Most Retail Supplier Offers Also Lower Than CCA

One Retail Supplier Rate 50% Lower Than Default Service

June 11, 2024

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Copyright 2024
Reporting by Paul Ring •

The following story is brought free of charge to readers by VertexOne, the exclusive EDI provider of

As the Massachusetts legislature debates whether to end residential electric choice, one of the state's utilities will see the mass market default service rate remain above 19 cents per kWh for another six months, the utility's filed rates are approved by the DPU

Specifically, Fitchburg Gas and Electric (Unitil) has filed new basic service rates for the period August 2024 though January 2025

For Residential - RD-1, RD-2 customers and Small General - GD-1 customers, Fitchburg Gas and Electric's fixed basic service rate is proposed to be $0.19309 per kWh for the period August 2024 though January 2025.

That's only marginally lower than the current Residential - RD-1, RD-2 and Small General - GD-1 fixed basic service rate of $0.19338 per kWh

All rates listed above include the Basic Service Costs Adder of $0.00436/kWh effective February 1, 2024

Per an exclusive review performed by on the afternoon of June 11, on Energy Switch MA for Fitchburg Gas and Electric residential customers, there are currently eight fixed priced offers, from four different competitive retail suppliers, that are below 14.2 cents per kWh, which represents a savings of over 25% versus the new basic service rate

13 of 14 retail supplier offers on Energy Switch MA are below Fitchburg Gas and Electric's new basic service rate. 12 of these offers are below 15 cents per kWh

13 of 14 retail supplier offers on Energy Switch MA are also below the lowest opt-out municipal aggregation rate of the Fitchburg Community Electricity Aggregation, which is 17.268 cents/kWh

One 6-month fixed offer from a competitive retail supplier for Fitchburg Gas and Electric residential customers is priced at 10.960 cents/kWh


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