Consumer Advocate Asks Maryland PSC To Warn Customers That Newly Entered Long-Term Retail Contracts Won't Be Subject To New Price Limits
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The Maryland Energy Advocates Coalition (MEAC) asked the Maryland PSC to warn customers that long-term retail energy supply contracts, entered into before the effective date of certain price cap and other provisions under newly enacted SB 1, won't be subject to the new consumer protections under the bill
The price limits for residential retail energy contracts under SB 1 generally apply to contracts entered into or renewed on or after January 1, 2025
MEAC, in a letter to the PSC, said that retail suppliers currently are offering long-term contracts to residential customers whose terms will extend "well past" the January 1, 2025, effective date
"MEAC requests that the Commission take immediate action to notify the public that the terms of these contracts will
extend past the January 1, 2025, date for SB1’s pricing restrictions and other protections," MEAC said
MEAC's request came in comments in support of an OPC petition for reconsideration of a PSC order pausing activity under the PSC's own, broader, retail market reform proceeding at PC60, as the PSC said that it would focus on SB 1 implementation (see details on the pause here
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June 5, 2024
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Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com
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