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Choice Utility Seeks To Move Price To Compare Message To First Page Of Bill

June 4, 2024

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Copyright 2024
Reporting by Paul Ring •

The following story is brought free of charge to readers by VertexOne, the exclusive EDI provider of

The price to compare message on a utility's bills would be moved to the first page of the bill for most customers, but would lose a specific heading, under proposed changes filed at the PUC of Ohio

Specifically, AES Ohio is seeking to move the language concerning the price to compare from the second page to the first page of the bill for several types of customers, including for non-residential customers currently taking supply from a competitive retail supplier

AES Ohio proposed the new bill formats as part of its upgrade to its CIS.

New bill formats in Ohio are automatically approved after 45 days unless PUCO otherwise suspends the automatic approval process.

Most notably, AES proposes that the price to compare language on utility consolidated bills for non-residential customers served by a retail supplier be moved to the first page of the bill. The PTC language is currently listed on the second page of the bill for these customers.

In moving the PTC language to the first page of the bill for non-residential shopping customers, AES Ohio would include the PTC language in the "Account Level Message Center" section of the bill, grouped with other messages. The PTC language would no longer have its own box or heading stating "Price-to-Compare Message".

AES Ohio would make similar changes to the PTC message for residential and non-residential bills for Standard Service Offer customers. The message would be moved from the second page of the bill to the first page of the bill, and be grouped with other messages under a "Service Level Message Center" (residential) or ""Account Level Message Center" (non-residential). In each case, the PTC language would no longer have its own box or heading stating "Price-to-Compare Message".

For utility consolidated bills of residential customers on competitive retail supply, the language concerning the price to compare would remain on the second page of the bill, with no change in the message's language

However, for these customers, the price to compare language would be moved to the "Service Level Message Center" and grouped with other messages. The specific heading and box titled "Price-to-Compare Message" would be removed from residential choice bills

There would be no change to the PTC message language in any of the proposed bill formats discussed above

Link to proposed bill format changes



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