CenterPoint-TDU Suspends Disconnections For Non-Pay
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CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric (CNP) suspended disconnects for non-pay through today (May 17) due to the severe weather which impacted its service area, with CNP stating in a market notice that it is evaluating whether to extend the suspension of disconnects for non-pay (DNP) for Monday and beyond
CNP also said in a market notice, "Due to high customer outages levels and the resulting number of high missing reads, we anticipate a longer period of time to complete estimations and a late afternoon/early evening LSE delivery to the Market."
In a May 17 afternoon market notice, CNP said, "Mobile Generation has not been deployed at this time, but is available for deployment."
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May 17, 2024
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Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com
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