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Texas PUC Staff Seek Comment On Retail Provider Collateral Required Under PCM Market

May 16, 2024

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Copyright 2024
Reporting by Paul Ring •

The following story is brought free of charge to readers by VertexOne, the exclusive EDI provider of

Staff of the Texas PUC have issued a series of questions for stakeholder comment concerning the Performance Credit Mechanism (PCM), including questions concerning the collateral requirements that will be imposed on LSEs such as retail electric providers

Staff issued a series of questions concerning design parameters that the Commission still needs to resolve, as Staff noted that other parameters have been dictated by statute or prior Commission direction. For certain unresolved design parameters, Staff also provided Staff’s current opinion on the matter

Staff sought comment on the following: "Regarding the collateral requirements and timelines (PCM Design Parameters #32-36), what modifications can be made to the other design parameters to effectively reduce the collateral requirement on the Load Serving Entities (LSE)?"

In discussing the LSE PC Market Collateral Requirement design parameter (#32), Staff gave its current opinion that, "The base option of 'collateral based on potential PC procurement shortfall' is reasonable."

"Staff recommends removing the optionality from this parameter [#32] as the 'No collateral requirements' option should not be considered," Staff said

Concerning the LSE PC Market Collateral Timeline, Staff gave its current opinion that, "The base option of 'several business days prior to the start of the season/year' is reasonable since it aligns with collateral timelines for existing products," with Staff recommended removing "No collateral requirements" as an option.

Addressing other design parameters, Staff provided its opinion on certain issues related to the forward PC market

With respect to whether LSEs would be required to participate in the forward PC market, Staff gave its current opinion that, "The base option of 'No LSE participation requirements' is sufficient; no optionality is necessary."

Staff sought comment on a series of questions concerning seasonal PC requirements and PC hours, including, "Which months should be included in each of those seasons [the seasons under PCM]," and, "What should the number of PC hours per season be?"

Staff's full list of questions for stakeholder comment and Staff's current opinion on each design parameter can be found in Staff's May 16, 2024 filing in Project 55000


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