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New York PSC Denies Opt-Out Municipal Aggregation Community Solar, In Adopting Statewide Solar For All Program

May 16, 2024

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Copyright 2024
Reporting by Paul Ring •

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In an order adopting a Statewide Solar for All program (S-SFA), the New York PSC denied again a proposal to allow municipal aggregations (also known as community choice aggregations or CCAs) to provide community distributed generation (CDG) on an opt-out basis

The PSC previously placed a "pause" on CCA-offered opt-out CDG

Under S-SFA, the investor owned utilities (IOUs) will aggregate bill credits generated by participating community distributed generation (CDG) projects and distribute them among customers who meet both of the following criteria: (1) reside in disadvantaged communities and (2) are enrolled in the utility’s low-income energy affordability program (EAP)

Certain municipal aggregation administrators and aligned parties had requested, as the PSC considered a proposed S-SFA, that the PSC authorize opt-out CDG by CCAs

The PSC declined to do so in adopting an S-SFA program

The PSC said, "Pertaining to [CCA parties'] request that the Commission approve the CCA opt-out CDG 'at scale solution,' the Commission finds the objective of the Statewide Solar for All and 'Opt-Out CDG' proposals equivalent, as both policies seek to promote enrollment of low-income customers into a program to receive solar credits. The Commission considers National Grid’s E-SFA [Expanded Solar for All Proposal] model an 'at scale solution' fully operational right now and, for that reason, is authorizing the scalable solution to be administered at each major electric IOU. Moreover, under an S-SFA program, the value of participation in the program could accrue to low-income customers across the State, instead of only to low-income customers in municipalities that have a CCA program, as would be the case under an opt-out CDG program[.]"

The PSC also dismissed concerns, raised by certain retail suppliers, about monopoly utilities running the S-SFA program

The PSC said, "In response to comments that the S-SFA program will be run by utilities, or that the program is handing over control to the utilities, the Commission reminds market participants, and the public in general, that CDG in New York State has always been, and will continue to be, a market-based program with very active third-party project development. Currently, there is no existing utility control of the CDG program and the adoption of S-SFA will not change that."

"Fundamentally, any program, including opt-in CDG, opt-out CDG, S-SFA, and onsite net energy metering (NEM), that involves utility bill credits also involve administrative and implementation activities by the utilities," the PSC continued

"It is disingenuous to assert that S-SFA reflects a qualitative change in utility control or involvement compared to traditional opt-in CDG, EAP assistance [a utility’s low-income energy affordability program], or onsite NEM," the PSC said

The PSC did order that utilities will be required to train their call center representatives to, "help low-income customers sign up for opt-in CDG by directing them to tools established for the purpose of making CDG subscriptions with savings more accessible to households participating in government-run low-income support programs."

Specifically, the PSC ordered the Joint Utilities to develop a shared "dual participation" [customer participation in both S-SFA and opt-in CDG] resource plan that includes training material for utilities to "proactively encourage dual participation[.]"

Such dual participation plan shall include a utility-sided S-SFA EAP webpage with links to New York State's Energy Advisor webpage [a clearinghouse for state info on low-income assistance], DOE’s Low-Income Clean Energy Connector tool, and NYSERDA’s Find a Community Solar Project tool.

Tariffs to implement S-SFA shall be filed to be effective December 1, 2024, while utilities were ordered to begin Statewide Solar for All credit distribution to eligible customers on December 1, 2025

Cases 21-E-0629, 19-E-0735, 14-M-0224


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