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Start-up Retail Supplier Receives Finding That Initial New York Eligibility Requirements Have Been Met

May 2, 2024

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Copyright 2010-24
Reporting by Paul Ring •

The following story is brought free of charge to readers by VertexOne, the exclusive EDI provider of

New York Department of Public Service Staff have informed start-up U.S. Power Supply that all requirements for its initial state of eligibility as an ESCO have been satisfied

See background on U.S. Power Supply in our prior story here

DPS Staff's letter to U.S. Power Supply indicated that initial eligibility has been satisfied for electricity, for both the commercial class and mass market. For the mass market, initial eligibility products are listed as "Renewable Fixed and Variable"

With the initial eligibility now satisfied, DPS Staff advised U.S. Power Supply as follows: "Please be advised that you may now continue with the utility approval state of the eligibility process by contacting those companies in whose service territories you intend to participate. The utility stage normally consists of a creditworthiness determination, completion of EDI Phase III Testing and the execution of any operating or billing service agreements. Each utility’s eligibility requirements pertain to only their retail access programs. Once you have satisfactorily completed the utility eligibility stage, Staff will be notified by the utility of your success. Please notify Staff of the actual production date in the utility service territories you intend to enroll customers. At that point Staff will confirm your final eligibility requirements have been satisfied."


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