Texas PUC Staff Seek Order Declaring That Large Customer Opt-Out Status From Securitization Uplift Charges Is Not Transferable To Another Entity
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Staff of the Texas PUC formally filed a petition for a declaratory order from the PUC finding that an entity's opt-out status relieving such entity of Securitization Uplift Charges is not transferable to another entity
The PUC previously developed a process for certain entities (transmission-voltage customers) to opt out of Securitization Uplift Charges.
Staff said, "Although the Commission discussed certain methods by which such an opt-out election could be revoked, it did not explicitly address transfers in ownership by transmission-voltage customers."
"Commission Staff contends that an opt out of Securitization Uplift Charges is specific to the transmission-voltage customer and its facilities at the time of opt out. In particular, an opt out from Securitization Uplift Charges is not a property right associated with a particular facility or that is transferable to another entity. Commission Staff seeks an order clarifying this issue regarding the opt-out process," Staff said
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January 11, 2024
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Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com
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