Start Date For Lubbock Power & Light Retail Choice Set As FERC Settlement Approved
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At a meeting last week of the Lubbock Retail Integration Task Force, Lubbock Power & Light (LP&L) presented an updated timeline that contemplates a market go-live for LP&L retail electric choice of March 4, 2024 through April 2, 2024, now that FERC has approved a settlement among LP&L, Southwestern Public Service Company, and certain cooperatives concerning LP&L's exit from SPP and integration into ERCOT
Under the timeline presented, the initial customer choice selection period would run January 5, 2024 to February 15, 2024. An FAQ, dated in September after an uncontested FERC settlement was reached but prior to formal approval by FERC, indicated that, with FERC approval and a March go-live date for choice, the market would begin accepting transactions January 5, 2024.
Customers not making a selection during this period would be assigned to the previously reported default REPs, during the period February 19, 2024 through March 1, 2024
The March 4, 2024 through April 2, 2024 start of choice service reflects the start of choice on on-cycle meter reads (as opposed to a "flash cut")
While FERC has approved the uncontested settlement via letter order, which resolves issues that had previously delayed the start of choice at LP&L (see background here), the typical 30-day period for rehearing at FERC remains open through about the end of October, and thus, the choice dates may not be considered final at this time
Additionally, a further final resolution from the LP&L Board and Lubbock City Council, anticipated in February 2024, will still be required prior to choice go-live
Lubbock Power & Light (LP&L) has distributed to eligible REPs the Mass Customer List (MCL) and the requested Distributed Generation Customer List (MCL format). Competitive Retailers who have tested and registered in Lubbock now have access to these files via SFTP.
Last week, LP&L issued a market notice asking Competitive Retailers that are interested in serving the Lubbock area to complete and submit their Access Agreement. Once the Access Agreement is received and processed, the CR will receive a Welcome Packet that contains a few important items to fill out and send back, LP&L said.
"LP&L plans to utilize an SFTP server to exchange integral information and it is imperative CRs establish that connection. The Welcome Packet will provide access to the SFTP server where the Mass Customer List will be shared. LP&L will also use the SFTP server for the transmission of safety net files. Passing the Mass Customer List (MCL) via the SFTP, will allow testing of the safety net retrieval process," LP&L said in the notice
"The Access Agreement and Welcome Packet will need to be completed in their entirety to receive the Mass Customer List, thus, CRs wanting to participate in the Lubbock service territory are asked to promptly return the agreement as soon as possible," LP&L said in the notice
Registered CRs will be included in a list of certified Retail Electric Providers certified to serve the LP&L community, to be posted on the LP&L website
A proposed resolution to be considered at an October 17 LP&L board meeting notes that 32 branded REPs have signed Access Agreements with LP&L and are
ready to operate at market open. An additional 9 REPs have signed Access Agreements but will not be
ready to operate that soon. These numbers represent 27 different REPs and 11 different parent
"The number of REPs intending to compete for customers in the Lubbock area compares
favorably to the number currently operating in several other Texas cities comparable in terms of size and
location to Lubbock.
Further, the activity and interest expressed by REPs about the opening of the Lubbock market strongly
suggest that customers will receive active marketing, helpful information and competitive pricing from
a variety of REPs focusing on different segments of the customer market," a memo concerning the proposed resolution states
LP&L Staff have recommended that the LP&L board find, "that condition (7) in the
Customer Choice Resolution adopted by this Board on February 15, 2022, relating to the
sufficiency of the number of retail electric providers, including a sufficient number of
independent, unaffiliated retail electric providers within the ERCOT market that are willing
and able to provide service in Lubbock to adequately provide competitive customer choice
for LP&L’s certificated area has been met."
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October 14, 2023
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Copyright 2010-23 EnergyChoiceMatters.com
Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com
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