Texas Start-up Aims To Sell Power To Luxury EVs
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The Electric Gallon Company, LLC, a start-up, filed a registration with the Texas PUC as an Exempt Wholesale Generator (EWG) / Power Generation Company (PGC)
The Electric Gallon Company, LLC described its business as, "renewable power supply provider", "renewable power stations provider", and, "wholesale electric delivery service."
The Electric Gallon Company, LLC further stated, "The Electric Gallon Company will sell wholesale electricity to luxury vehicles, the Grid in it's [sic] Real-Time Market (RTM), and other equipment and tools that use electricity as an energy source."
Steven S. Sims I is identified as CEO and Member of The Electric Gallon Company, LLC
Furthermore, The Electric Gallon Company, LLC stated in its application that it requested the PUC, "to establish the Electric Gallon as the electric gallon as a new unit of electric capacity. PURPA Section 210[.]"
The Electric Gallon Company, LLC stated in its application as follows:
"This innovative technology is a primary energy source to embedded charging systems, renewable power supply, and portable renewable power stations as defined under section 3(17) and (18) of the Federal Power Act. (92 Stat. 3144; Section 643(b), Act of June 30, 1980, 94 Stat. 770; 16 U.S.C. Section 824a-3) An electric turbine makes it possible to build charging systems that are mounted in the engine compartment of luxury electric vehicles. This alternative to stationary charging stations would bring comfort to people who live in multi-unit housing, or who would live far from any interstate highway designated corridor for EV charging stations. Heavy duty equipment can now use portable renewable power stations to generate electricity at the point of consumption and at the same performance level with gas-powered heavy-duty equipment. Renewable power supply promotes the use of electric power tools that can be stored and ready for immediate use without worrying about damaged batteries, stale fuel, contaminants, spills, fueling or transporting fuel to a worksite.
"The Electric Gallon Company could be an integral part of the future smart grid or tomorrow's microgrid. An electric gallon provides stable consistent electric generation at the point of consumption. It's scalable to fit the size and performance demands required to meet the needs of any environment from small electronics to industrial sized applications.
"An electric gallon is a unit of electric capacity. It provides enough energy to electric powered generators to work for hours. It also can power an electric vehicle for 20 miles. An electric gallon is fungible and can be treated as a commodity. It is consistent with energy output, and it can be easily installed as a backup until the need arises.
"An electric gallon comes with a price point that can be modified when voters decide to support city expansion or a new project. The price point would include federal, state, and local taxes to support improvements on roadways and highways. Even small towns and communities with little to no tax base to draw revenues can benefit from integrating electric gallons into their business portfolio.
"An electric gallon has other benefits like increasing broadband accessibility. This helps bring internet access to rural and underprivileged areas. It helps introduce the use of peer-to-peer and vehicle-to-business activities. This broadband can also provide quicker responses to kidnappings, burglaries, and similar crimes. An electric gallon can be incorporated into existing transmission power stations to help meet power demands during peak hours in a real-time market.
"The Electric Gallon Company intends to optimize the efficiency of use of qualified facilities by an electric utility under PURPA Section 101(2); and equitable rates to electric consumers Section 101(3). (92 Stat. 3121; 16 U.S.C. Sec. 2611). The cogeneration and small power production section (210) states that the Commission enact, and from time to time revise, such rules as it determines necessary to encourage cogeneration and small power production not greater than 80 megawatts capacity. Section 210(b)(1) state that rules shall be just and reasonable to the electric consumers of the electric utility and in the public interest, and (2) shall not discriminate against qualifying cogenerators or qualifying small power producers.
"The Electric Gallon Company, having ratemaking authority, plans to adopt the costs of serving each electric vehicle consumer according to weight class (light, medium, heavy duty), including costs of serving different consumption patterns within such class, based on voltage level, time of use, and other appropriate factors to the maximum extent practicable, to reflect the costs of providing electric service to such class, as determined under section 115(a). For instance, the cost for an electric gallon consumed in a Class A passenger sized electric vehicle may be $2.98 plus interconnection agreement costs, local, state, and federal taxes. The cost of an electric gallon in a Class (1) real-time market (RTM) to provide energy to the Grid during peak hours plus interconnection agreement costs, local, state, and federal taxes. The cost of an electric gallon in a Class (1) real-time market (RTM) to provide energy to a location designated as under construction, development, crisis, emergency, or microgrid interconnection authority plus interconnection agreement costs, local, state, and federal taxes. Time-of-Day rates, Seasonal rates, and interruptible rates to industrial and commercial consumers which reflects the cost of providing Time-of-day, Seasonal, and Interruptible service to the class of such consumer is a member. (92 Stat. 2131; 16 U.S.C. Section 2621)
"Furthermore, the Electric Gallon Company seeks to establish an embedded metering system to be used in marine vehicles, air vehicles, land vehicles, interstellar vehicles, industrial and commercial equipment, as well as agricultural equipment and power tools. The Commissioners may also deem it necessary to establish automatic adjustment clauses, information to consumers requirements, procedures for termination of electric service, advertising, lifeline rates to be offered to HUBZones, disabled citizens, areas designated as in poverty, persons recognized as participants in or performers of bonafide experimentation or research and development. Backup metering may be appropriate if a long-run embedded device is expected to be the main power supply. Incentives for the efficient use of resources by the Electric Gallon Company may also be considered.
"The Electric Gallon Company commits to reporting to the Secretary of State annually in a manner as shall be prescribed including a summary of the standard used to measure the utility-by-utility basis.
"Mr. Sims and the Electric Gallon Company will continue to seek the advice of the Secretary of Energy, the Commission, and after opportunity for public comment, to develop industry standards for reliability to this innovative electric utility industry, including standards with respect to equipment, operating procedures and training of personnel, and standards relating to the level or levels of reliability appropriate that adequately and reliably serve the needs of electric consumers.
"The Electric Gallon Company requests an exemption from Licensing requirements should the Commission in its discretion decide that this request in whole or in part meets the requirements of part I of the Federal Power Act regarding small hydroelectric power projects having a proposed installed capacity of 5,000 kilowatts or less."
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September 14, 2023
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Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com
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