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CenterPoint TDU Provides Information To REPs Regarding Impacts From Deployment Of Mobile Generation

June 28, 2023

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Copyright 2010-23
Reporting by Paul Ring •

The following story is brought free of charge to readers by VertexOne, the exclusive EDI provider of

CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric (CEHE) issued a June 27 market notice providing further information to retail electric providers concerning the June 24 deployment of two temporary emergency electric energy facilities (TEEEF), in the Northwest portion of its service area, to assist with storm restoration efforts

CEHE, reiterating information shared on a recent market call, said in the notice that it has completed distribution to the impacted Retail Electric Provider of record a list of ESI IDs served by temporary emergency electric energy facilities on June 24, 2023.

"This list should be used by Retail Electric Providers to anticipate billing adjustments as required when temporary emergency electric energy facilities are deployed," CEHE said in the notice

Additional details regarding this deployment that were covered in the market call are noted below.

• Approximately 348 accounts were served with TEEEF on Saturday 6/24/23.

• The register reads will not be adjusted only the kWh will be zeroed out during the TEEEF period.

• kWH will be zeroed out in the LSE files during the period the TEEEF was in use. LSE adjustments will be provided to ERCOT prior to initial settlement.

• Demand reads during this period will be zeroed out and no new peak demands for this period will be set.

• The upcoming cycle 867_03 for each ESI-ID will contain a reduction in kWh in the REF~JH Ignore loop for the period the TEEEF was active.

• The 867_03 may fail in Retail Electric Providers systems if the kWh readings do not match the 810_02 Invoice’s usage or due to the REF~JH Ignore loop being present in the 867_03 transaction(s). "We request that REPs do not send MarkeTraks, or 824 Rejects for these reasons for these impacted ESIIDs," CEHE said

• The corresponding 810_02 will be calculated using the TEEEF reduced kWh usage.


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