PUC Now Proposes Exploration Of Serving 25% Of Small Customer Load Under ISO Market Prices
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As it did recently with respect the Unitil, the New Hampshire PUC encouraged Public Service Co. of New Hampshire (Eversource) to explore the use of ISO-NE market prices for a portion of small customer default service supply
However, with respect to PSNH, the PUC specifically suggested a target for the amount of ISO-market-priced load, which it had not done at Unitil
Specifically, the PUC suggested exploration of pricing 25% of small customer load at ISO-NE market prices
"[W]e encourage the Company to explore, for
its upcoming ES solicitation, the possibility of including a day-ahead and real-time
ISO-NE market-based procurement element for a portion of its Small Customer Group
load, given the potential for better pricing outcomes for ES customers," the PUC said
"Such an
element could include up to two (12.5%) tranches of Small Customer Group load, or
25 percent in total of that load class," the PUC said
DE 23-043
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June 22, 2023
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Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com
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