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NOPEC To Resume Opt-Out Aggregation For Dropped Customers, Posts Pricing

March 27, 2023

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Copyright 2010-21
Reporting by Paul Ring •

The following story is brought free of charge to readers by VertexOne, the exclusive EDI provider of

NOPEC will resume service, on an opt-out basis, to those electric customers its previously dropped to the standard service offer, to the extent such customers remain eligible for opt-out enrollment, and will also begin service to any other customers eligible for opt-out enrollment

NOPEC had dropped more than 500,000 customers to SSO last fall

NOPEC will resume service to such customers "on or about the June 2023 meter read date(s)."

Except as noted below, NOPEC will enroll customers at Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, and Ohio Power Company onto a 36-month program with a rate of $0.0645 per kWh through the December 2023 utility meter reading date. After such time, the customer's price, "will be NOPEC’s Standard Program Price and may change from month to month but not more than once in a 30 day period for the remaining term of the contract[.]"

For the NOPEC member communities of South Euclid, Cleveland Heights, Lakewood, and Sheffield, which have elected a 100% renewable default plan, NOPEC will enroll customers (at CEI or OE) onto a 36-month program with a rate of $0.06875 per kWh through the December 2023 utility meter reading date (the price reflects an additional $0.00425 per kWh for RECs). After such time, the customer's price, "will be NOPEC's Standard Program Price and may change from month to month but not more than once in a 30 day period for the remaining term of the contract," plus $0.00425 per kWh for RECs

In an opt-out notice, NOPEC said, "Supplier and NOPEC determine the Standard Program Price based on the following factors: competitor’s prices, applicable industry changes, wholesale market conditions and electric supply sources."

NOPEC informed customers in the opt-out notice that, "You can also choose our Monthly Variable Price product; the price will be 4% (for commercial customers) or 6% (for residential customers) less than your utility's Price to Compare. Enrollment in the Monthly Variable Price is limited to 2.5% of NOPEC customers in the utility territory and therefore subject to availability."

NextEra Energy Services Ohio, LLC remains NOPEC's electric supplier for such customers


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