Pa. PUC Sets Date For Collaborative Meeting On Implementation Of Adopted Price Cap For Certain Customers
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The Pennsylvania PUC has scheduled for November 5 a meeting of a collaborative to which the PUC has delegated the mechanics of a new price cap on retail supplier service to Customer Assistance Program (CAP) customers at the FirstEnergy EDCs, and the issue of customer referral program (CRP) scripts and training at such EDCs
As previously reported, the PUC adopted an order which requires the FirstEnergy EDCs to implement a CAP "shopping program" under which CAP customers may only enter into a contract with an EGS for a rate that is at or below the utility's Price to Compare and which does not contain an early termination or cancellation fee.
Further details regarding implementation of the CAP customer price cap were referred to OCMO, which was directed to convene and coordinate a group of interested stakeholders for the purpose of collaboratively addressing the mechanics and details, with a recommendation provided to the Commission by the end of January 2019.
Also delegated to the collaborative were customer referral program scripts and training materials
See our prior story for more on the price cap and the CRP issues
An in-person collaborative meeting of all interested stakeholders will be convened on Monday, November 5, 2018 starting at 10:00 am and concluding at 3:00 pm in Hearing Room 1 of the Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The purpose of this meeting is to provide participants with an opportunity to discuss the implementation of the CAP shopping program in the FirstEnergy EDC service territories and the scripting language used to refer customers to the EDCs' CRP. The meeting will also provide OCMO staff with information and perspectives to inform its recommendations to the Commission.
To assist OCMO in the preparation of the agenda for the November 5 meeting, the PUC invited stakeholders to submit specific topics, within the scope of the two main issues, they would like to discuss. Stakeholders can also include with their suggested topics a brief explanation or comments with their perspective on the suggested topic item. Interested parties may submit this material by Friday, October 19, 2018 referencing Docket Number P-2017-2637855 et al.
Upon review of the information submitted, OCMO will prepare and distribute an agenda and discussion document prior to the meeting.
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Will Also Address Customer Referral Program Scripts
September 6, 2018
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Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com
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