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New Jersey Assembly Passes Bill Authorizing BPU to Require Reporting of Retail Supplier Prices

October 19, 2012

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Copyright 2010-12 Energy Choice Matters

The New Jersey General Assembly has passed a bill (A-2132) which would empower the Board of Public Utilities to require retail suppliers to provide pricing information to the BPU for use on a BPU-developed online listing of retail prices.

Specifically, the bill provides that the Board, "may promulgate regulations to require each electric public utility, electric power supplier, marketer, government aggregator, and broker engaged in the provision of electricity to end use customers to provide the board with adequate and accurate price comparison information that will enable customers to make informed choices regarding the purchase of electric energy offered by that provider to customers."

"The board may compile that information into a single, understandable database and post the database on its Internet website in a manner that enables customers to compare prices and services on a uniform basis. The board may contract with a public or private entity for the purpose of developing, administering, and maintaining the database. The contract shall specify the duties and responsibilities of the entity with respect to the development, administration, and maintenance of the database. The board shall monitor the work of the entity to ensure that the database is developed, administered, and maintained pursuant to the requirements of this section," the bill provides.

The bill, which passed the Assembly unanimously, awaits action by the Senate.

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