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GDF Suez Retail Energy Solutions to Serve Residential Customers As Well

July  27, 2011
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According to an application it filed for a REP certificate in Texas, GDF Suez Retail Energy Solutions LLC will serve residential customers in addition to small commercial customers.

As first reported by Matters (7/21), GDF Suez Retail Energy Solutions is a new subsidiary of GDF Suez Energy Resources NA formed to serve small volume electric customers. Its Illinois application, in a statement not specific to Illinois, suggested that GDF Suez Retail Energy Solutions would only focus on the small commercial market both in Illinois and those other states where its parent is licensed.

However, in a Texas REP certificate application, GDF Suez Retail Energy Solutions LLC stated that it was, "formed to manage the residential and small commercial market for GDF Suez Energy Resources NA, Inc."

"GDF Suez Retail Energy Solutions LLC will operate as a licensed [competitive] retail electric supplier in the States listed above [Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Texas, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Maine, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, and Ohio] and will focus [on] marketing to and serving the residential and small commercial market in these states."

Note that this list of states for residential service includes Illinois, whereas GDF Suez Retail Energy Solutions' initial Illinois application, despite being filed under Subpart D, appeared to go to great lengths to excise residential customers from those customers for which it was seeking authority to serve.

In any event, the Texas application specifically states, "GDF Suez Retail Energy Solutions LLC will market to and sell electric energy supply in the competitive retail market to residential and commercial customers in the State of Maryland, in the following utility territories: BGE, PEPCO, Delmarva, and Allegheny Power."

An electronic copy of the Maryland application is unavailable.

Aside from Illinois, Texas, and Maryland, GDF Suez Retail Energy Solutions said that it is currently in the "application submission process" for Massachusetts and New Jersey.


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