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Ameren Seeks Competitive Declaration, Hourly Pricing for Customers 150 kW - 400 kW
Ameren Illinois has petitioned the Illinois Commerce Commission to declare Ameren's provision of electric supply to retail customers with peak demands of at least 150 kW but less than 400 kW to be competitive effective May 1, 2011, which would move existing customers in this class to default hourly pricing effective with the end of the April 2014 monthly billing period.
Vectren Retail Seeking Ohio Electric License
• TES Energy Services Seeks Maine Broker License
• Acclaim Energy Receives Ohio Broker License
• CurrentChoice Receives Md. Broker License
• Atlantic Energy Resources' Md. Licenses Expanded to Residential Customers
• American Power Partners Receives Maryland Electric License
Dominion East Ohio Intends to File Application for Next Step in Exit of Merchant Function
Dominion East Ohio has submitted a notice of intent to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio to continue with the next phase of its exit from the merchant function
Sharyland Recommends Alternatives to Move SPP Load to ERCOT as SPS Unwilling to Sell Transmission Assets
A consultant's "preferred" method of transferring Sharyland's Stanton and Colorado City divisions from the Southwest Power Pool to ERCOT is not viable, but two other alternatives which contemplate a complete transfer of the divisions into ERCOT would still benefit customers, Sharyland said in testimony at the PUCT supporting its study on the future of the two divisions
N.Y. PSC Posts December Electric Migration Stats
The New York PSC has posted electric migration statistics as of December 2010, as well as stats from several other of the later months of 2010.
First Choice Power Reports Higher Margins in Q4 from Commercial Sales, Expects Continued Unit Margin Compression
First Choice Power recorded higher margins during the fourth quarter of 2010 which helped lift ongoing EBITDA to $7.9 million from $5.8 million a year ago.
From the Archives: CL&P Reports January Migration Stats
As first reported on on February 16
March 1
Direct Energy Launches Residential Service at ComEd
Direct Energy has begun offering electric supply to residential customers at Commonwealth Edison
Flash: First Choice Power Reports Relatively Flat Churn in Fourth Quarter
First Choice Power's customer count as of December 31, 2010 stood at 214,200, versus 215,300 as of September 30, 2010, parent PNM Resources disclosed this morning in reporting earnings
N.H. OCA Suggests POR As Solution to Shifted Costs at PSNH; Most Parties Oppose Nonbypassable Surcharge
The majority of parties to a proceeding concerning customer migration at Public Service of New Hampshire argued that a nonbypassable surcharge to recover certain costs related to default service is not permissible, while the Office of Consumer Advocate suggested that Purchase of Receivables could be one of several short-term strategies ...
Spark Energy Launches Network Marketer Ampegy with Excel Communications Veteran
Spark Energy has launched a network marketing affiliate, Ampegy, which will include in a leadership role Steve Smith, co-founder of Excel Communications, a pioneer in the use of multi-level marketing in telecom during the 1990s
Constellation Supporting ComEd Residential Offer with Direct Mail, Other Channels
Constellation NewEnergy is supporting its Commonwealth Edison residential electric offers with 2.2 million pieces of direct mail, along with a variety of other marketing initiatives, said David Fein, Constellation Energy's Vice President of Energy Policy for the Midwest and Pennsylvania
Met-Ed, Penelec, Penn Power Post Updated Prices to Compare
Met-Ed, Penelec, and Penn Power have posted updated Prices to Compare for the three-month period beginning March 1, 2011 as follows ...
• Nordic Energy Services Receives License to Serve Illinois Residential Customers
• ERCOT Reports Amount of Abacus Short-Pay, PUCT Staff Seeks License Revocation
• Md. PSC Takes North American Power Joint Proposal Under Advisement
• TXU, Lantern Power, 2TurnItOn Join TEPA
• Quinn Names Doug Scott ICC Chairman
• PJM Suspends Work on PATH Line
February 28
Constellation Says Illinois Rules Wrongly Define Broker Independence as Absence of Contract with Supplier
Illinois' current and proposed rules regarding electric agent, broker and consultant licensing "wrongly impl[y] that the existence of any agreement between a supplier and an ABC renders the ABC no longer independent, or potentially makes them an affiliate of the supplier," Constellation NewEnergy said ...
Hess Seeks Authority to Serve Residential, Small Commercial Customers in Pennsylvania
• GearyEnergy Seeks Pa. Electric License
• Glacial Natural Gas Seeks to Add Territories in Pa.
• Patriot Energy Group Receives Delaware Broker License
PPL Says Customer List "Status Quo" Different for Its Service Area
PPL Electric Utilities urged the Pennsylvania PUC to reject the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence's request that the PUC require PPL to change its current practices regarding the release of customer information, and allow customers to withhold all information from being shared with retail suppliers, as PPL said that such a modification would be inconsistent with the "status quo" ordered by the Commonwealth Court.
• CL&P Updates POR Discount Rate
• Constellation Formally Announces ComEd Residential Entry
• Pepco Energy Services Reports Lower Earnings on Wind Down
ERCOT Seeks Emergency Authority for New EILS Procurement
ERCOT has filed an emergency petition with the PUCT to allow ERCOT to procure additional Emergency Interruptible Load Service (EILS) under a new contract period, and without the otherwise required 90 days notice, due to the exhaustion of allowable deployments of EILS resources in the current period during the February 2 emergency event
N.Y. PSC Will Allow ConEdison Solutions to Develop Small Scale Renewable Projects in Affiliated Service Areas
The New York PSC will permit Consolidated Edison Solutions, Inc., and Consolidated Edison Development, Inc. to proceed with the development of 200 MW of small scale renewable energy projects in their affiliated utility service areas of Consolidated Edison and Orange & Rockland, after finding that the minimal solar development overcomes any presumption of vertical market power
February 25
Market Sources Expect Another ERCOT Mass Transition
ERCOT market observers are expecting another mass transition of customers to new retail providers, and this transition is likely to be a POLR drop rather than a transition outside of the POLR process, as was the case with Abacus Resources Energy earlier this month.
ICC Clarifies POR Order, Combines Class Uncollectibles into Single Discount Rate
The Illinois Commerce Commission has clarified its amendatory order on Commonwealth Edison's Purchase of Receivables program, confirming that administrative costs will not be recovered twice, and affirming that a single discount rate shall be applied to all customer classes
Pa. PUC Approves FirstEnergy-Allegheny Merger Without Additional Retail Market Conditions, Orders Investigation into Default Service
The Pennsylvania PUC approved, without additional retail market-related conditions, a non-unanimous stipulation authorizing the merger of FirstEnergy Corp. and Allegheny Energy
Planet Energy Receives Pa. Electric License
• Luthin Associates Receives Pa. Broker License
• Taylor Consulting and Contracting Receives Authority to Serve Pa. Residential Customers
• Premier Power Solutions Receives Authority to Serve Pa. Residential Customers
• Power Brokers, LLC Receives Pa. Gas Broker License
• Pa. PUC Dismisses Empowered Consulting Broker Application as Deficient
Direct Energy Says Texas Churn at Lowest Rate Ever
Despite a 7% decline in total residential energy supply customers year-over-year, Direct Energy said that its Texas residential book saw improved retention, driving churn to its lowest ever level
Integrys Energy Services Reports Higher Electric Unit Margins
Realized retail electric margins at Integrys Energy Services during the fourth quarter of 2010 improved to $24.9 million from $15.8 million a year ago
PUCT Commissioners Wrestle With Minimum Balance Issue for Disconnections of Prepaid Service
PUCT Commissioners discussed pending changes to rules applicable to prepaid electric service under Subst. R. 25.498 yesterday, though Commissioners did not vote on a final order
• PUCT Adopts Rule Clarifying ERCOT Oversight
• UI Reports Last Resort Service Supplier
• Powelson Named Pa. PUC Chairman
• Compete Releases Paper on Innovation in Electric Markets
February 24
Interstate Gas Supply Acquires Accent Energy, Expanding Electric Service to Illinois, Pennsylvania
Interstate Gas Supply has recently acquired Accent Energy, Interstate Gas Supply disclosed in applying for an Illinois alternative retail electric supplier license.
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