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UGI Central Penn Gas Proposes to Revise Rate Classes to Mirror Affiliates, Would
Revise Choice, Transportation Rates
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January 24, 2011
UGI Central Penn Gas has proposed significant changes in its rate classifications
to align the classes with those used at affiliates UGI Utilities and UGI Penn Natural
Gas, as part of a newly field rate case before the Pennsylvania PUC (R-
Additionally, Central Penn Gas would adopt the supplier choice tariff and related procedures in use at its two affiliates.
"The Company also believes that the standardization of the three tariffs should make it easier for suppliers to provide service and should foster greater competitive choices for customers," Central Penn Gas said in testimony.
At a high level, the proposed Central Penn Gas rate design would include general
bundled service rates for both residential and non-
More specifically, Rate DS is the basic transportation service rate schedule for
Rate Schedule G is Central Penn Gas' current general non-
In such cases, Central Penn Gas will send the customer a letter explaining the rate choices and what is required in order to select the more economic rate. Central Penn Gas will not automatically enroll Rate G customers on a transportation rate schedule since these rate schedules require the election of an alternate supplier and require a written contract signed by the customer.
Central Penn Gas expects that 56 Rate Schedule G customers would be more economically served under Rate DS (Delivery Service) and 32 Rate Schedule G customers would be more economically served under Rate LFD (Large Firm Delivery Service).
Customers on current non-
Customers on existing transportation schedules GD and L for whom transportation (rather than choice) service remains the most economic option will be moved to Rate DS, absent an alternative election by the customer (such as LFD or XD).
Central Penn Gas is also moving all rate classes toward more closely being aligned to cost of service, and the new transportation rate classes represent more strictly defined options.
Central Penn Gas testified that the current transportation options available to customers are not well defined by customer size or usage characteristics. "As a result, customers can elect different rate schedules for service, without substantial restriction. This affects the ability to develop differentiated 'cost based' rates for the commercial and industrial rate schedules," CPG said.
"Restructuring the current non-
Similar to balancing procedures at the other UGI companies, Central Penn Gas will offer optional balancing service elections under Rate NNS (No Notice Service) and Rate MBS (Monthly Balancing Service). Central Penn Gas said that the changes, "expand the current limited daily and monthly balancing tolerances to tolerances that customers and Natural Gas Suppliers ('NGSs') should find more flexible, fair and attractive."
Central Penn Gas will also implement a system management concept which employs Critical
versus Non-
Central Penn Gas will establish a Cash-
Central Penn Gas applied to update the percentages of the Merchant Function Charges to reflect the actual uncollectible expense experienced by the company during the most recent five years. Based on this updated data, the MFC for the residential class will decrease from 2.6% to 2.26%. The MFC for the commercial class will be unchanged at 0.14%.
Central Penn Gas would also change the unit of measurement shown on customers' bills from dekatherms to a volumetric measurement using cubic feet. The change will not impact the amount on bills, and Central Penn Gas will continue to apply a BTU factor, adjusted monthly, to calculate the number of dekatherms consumed by the customer.
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