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National Fuel Gas Distribution Adds "Safe Harbor" Provisions in Revised Cash-
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December 8, 2010
National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation has filed further revisions to its imbalance
and cash-
The changes were in response to comments from the Small Customer Marketer Coalition,
Fluent Energy, and the National Energy Marketers Association (10/20), which raised
concerns about cash-
In response to such concerns, National Fuel Gas Distribution said that a System Imbalance
Position will be computed by dividing the system total Initial System Imbalance Volume
(ISIV) by the system Total Monthly Consumption (TMC), and converting the quotient
into a percentage. If the System Imbalance Position is within the range 5% long
to 5% short, then all Imbalance Holders will be assigned to the Market Pricing Tier
for cash-
Additionally, National Fuel Gas Distribution will create another safe harbor provision under which an individual Imbalance Holder would be assigned to the Market Pricing Tier without regard to its absolute imbalance position. If the Imbalance Holder's allocated deliveries for each of the pools for which it is responsible are within 2% of the Aggregated Daily Delivery Quantities (ADDQ) provided by the National Fuel Gas Distribution, then the safe harbor would apply. In cases where the Imbalance Holder is responsible for pools where Distribution does not assign an ADDQ, the Total Monthly Consumption for each customer pool will be substituted for the ADDQ.
Finally, as originally proposed, if an Imbalance Holder's Final System Imbalance Volume (FSIV) is less than 1,000 Mcf, it will be assigned to the Market Pricing Tier.
National Fuel Gas Distribution also proposed additional language to qualify the circumstances
under which it would suspend the default cash-
Additionally, a provision regarding public notice to Imbalance Holders of any suspension
of cash-
Distribution further clarified that the purpose of the language is to provide certainty
in the procedures which shall apply if the cash-
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