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October 25, 2010

West Penn Power Completes Default Service Procurements
West Penn Power (Allegheny) said that it has completed its auction process for default service load for the year 2011.  Estimated all-in rates for 2011 were not immediately available.  Averaging all auctions, the average weighted retail generation price is $67.98/MWh for residential customers, and $64.56/MWh for small and mid-sized non-residential customers.  For the most recently completed auction only, the average weighted retail generation price for residential customers was $55.01/MWh.  The average weighted retail generation price for small and mid-sized non-residential customers was $59.14/MWh from the most recent auction.  The average weighted retail generation price for large non-residential customers was $65.66/MWh from the most recent auction.  Included in the average weighted retail generation pricing from the auction are energy, capacity, Pennsylvania gross receipts taxes, line losses, renewable energy requirements, ancillary services and other provisions.  The most recent auction featured seven bidders.

Pa. PUC Releases Comparison of Capped Rates, Market Prices
The Pennsylvania PUC released its latest comparison of capped electric rates with current market prices.  Due to the schedule of procurements, the only comparison of capped rates versus procurement results to date which has been modified since the PUC's July comparison is at PECO, where Prices to Compare have already been announced.  There is no updated information regarding capped rates versus the rates expected based on procurement results to date at Met-Ed, Penelec, or West Penn Power (Allegheny).

Calif. ALJ Sets Nonbypassable Charge Prehearing Conference
A California ALJ has scheduled a prehearing conference for Nov. 5 to determine whether to open a separate phase of Rulemaking 07-05-025 (the direct access re-opening proceeding) to address a petition from competitive suppliers to review departing load nonbypassable charges, or whether to address the petition in an existing phase of the rulemaking.  Specifically, the prehearing conference will address to what extent departing load nonbypassable charge issues should be sequenced with other Phase III issues, consistent with the goals of procedural efficiency and effective integration of issues.

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